Sunday, April 13, 2008

status ku sudah bertukar

pada 10th april 2008 , status ku sudah bertukar drp raja hameeza syuqriah kepada AUNTY RAJA HAMEEZA SYUQRIAH! yeahhhhhh...

earlier dat day ... ( 3 something )

kak zarith :meeza kak zarith sakit perot la
meeza : urm ye ke? nk g toilet ke apa?
kak zarith : urm bukan , rase macam ader contraction jer
meeza : huh? contraction? biar benar , kejap kak zarith nk beranak ke ?
kak zarith : hahhhah maande la , cuma ader contraction jer but kak ain (her sis in law ) kata mmg biasa ader contraction masa 7 mths pregnant .
meeza : ow ok , takdela meeza takot la kak zarith nk beranak , mama xde nk call sape klau jadi pape
kak zarith : hahaah jgn risau , kak zariht rase mmg camni la kot klau dah 7 months
meeza : ok ahhaa meeza takot jer that's all :D

then at around 5 something , abang came back from work . kak zarith told him about the contraction and stuff and abang said " ow ok xpela b , esok kiter g clinic jumpa dr siti k? u rehat la k?"and kak zarith said " urm ok " .then around 8 something mama and papa came back from somewhere la then kak zarith told her the whole story . then mama said " mama rase baik pg clinic skarang , i have d feeling zarith beranak tonight " then evryeryone FREAKD OUT! haaaahahhaa . semua cam panic but buat muka cam cool la , mama klau panic she'll start talking nonstop about somthing over and over again hahaa meanwhile when papa is in his panic mood , he'll start babbling about agama islam la and all those stuff ahahaha abang lak he'll be sweating like hell ahhaah meanwhile the cool kid which is me will b buat bodo jer klau mama cakap apa apa ahahah

ok then when we arrived at the hospital , the nurse took her to the labour room to check on the baby's heart beat and yada yada la . then came the doctor , dr siti , she said " eyh ni dah 8 cm ni , xleyh tunggu dah ni , eyh camne ni ?eyh nurse prepare everything , dia berank skrang ni "
all of us ( mama , papa n me ) were outside the labour room , the nurse didnt close the door , so we heard the whole conversation la tp cam lawak ar hahaah

dr siti : ok zarith klau rase nk berak cakap eyh?
kak zarith : ok doctor . sakit B
abang : ok ok tahan k?
kak zarith : doctor saya rase nk pitam !
dr siti : eyh ok dah dah jgn breath in th gas ( this gas guna utk relieve pain la smthng like dat)
kak zarith : doctor! saye rase nk berak !
dr siti : ok ok , zarith naikkan kaki . relax jgn keraskan badan eyh?
kak zarith : AH!
dr siti : ok now i want u to push , satu dua tiga
kak zarith : ah!
dr siti : ok i can see her head. one more time , one two three, ok good job good job. lagi skali jer lagi . 1 2 3!
baby : wuaaaaaaa!
dr siti : alhamdulilah dah selamat zarith

ma pa n me were like omg , dah habis dah? we were shocked la , cause the time taken for the baby to kluar was like 30 mins jer , padahal orang slalu cam 3 hours la half a day la . we were suprised shocked n happy la . then the nurse took the baby out from the labour room ,we saw her face she wasnt scary lke other premature babies , she was cute :D hahaha she was then transfered to ICN ( intensive care nursery ) .dia kena duduk dlm incubator for a month la cause shes still small and yada yada la.

so now kak zarith dah kluar from the hospital but the baby kena duduk sane until the doctor thinks she fine and ready to face the world :D heeeeeee

n me and my family is happy and thankful..alhamdulilah :D

the end

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