Friday, February 8, 2008

hari yg gelap

on friday sent my sister back to melaka but we didnt send her teros there . we stopped at seremban 2 mall which was an ok mall because i didnt expect jusco n other cool shops will open a frenchise there. NO NO im not criticising the people there but u know seremban is like a lost world , so i didnt expect more on the lost city heehhehe ok then we had lunch at chicken rice bukan sekadar nasi ayam...ahhaha sbb my sister was craving to have their nasi ayam which wasnt that nice but so - so la. Lepas tu cannot go , i just finished my chicken rice then i felt like there was someone kicking my chair , so i turned back to check out, who's been kicking my chair . i didnt notice LANGSUNG there was a bapok wearing shades in a place where shades are NOT really nasasscary hehehe ,then tau x apa dia ckp?

bapok with fake boops : apa pandang pandang ? sibuk je pandang blakang
meeza with real boops:huh? apa dia ckp sha? dia ckp ngan kiter ke? (sha= my sister haha)
bapok with fake boops: kau jgn cari pasal ngan aku. aku x tkot ngan ko la
meeza with real boops :what? ok meeza soo not talking to her pa . seriously .what's her prob?
papa ku yg baik :let her be meeza , people thier kind is always like that , seeking for attention.
she doesnt realise orng cina kat blakang semua tgk dia
shasha with real boops : aa meeza . buat bodo jer .
mama ku yg cool : adik pass me the jug , ma nk air ( in a man's voice )
ku n keluarga ku yg cool : hahahhahahahahhaahhahah
bapok with fake boops: kurang ajar

then masa nk bayar gle kureng k, my mom was walking behind her then she flipped her hair like she's in a advert or something . nasib baik my mom was a smarty pants behind that bapok with fake boops she pretended to sneezed n rub her nose , everyone was watching my mom , me n my sis apa lg ketawa terbahak la kat depan pintu tu , hahahha tulla dosa buat aku cibot!

kemudian kala when we were heading to melaka , we saw the opposite site of the highway jam gle babs . so my dad said we have to figure out another way back to shah alam . then jeng jeng , my dad said klau camtu let's use jalan lama which is jalan lalu PD ! best mom n i was happy but not my sis cause she has to go back to her pigeon hole hahahhah . then after sending her back , kiter orng pun balikla . we passed by a hotel named goaman which is the coolest hotel i think . it's so beautiful and calming .then my mom had to go to the ladies because she had to pee:) we went in la then got back in our car to have dinner . lepas itu kami puun balik la rumah .
dah sampai rumah my mom screamed " adik! nama mama nye jam x?" i said "huh?manade meeza x ambik pon " mama said" oh shit mama tertinggal atas tank jamban td la " my dad said " huh? aiyooo mama " from his face we could see he was upset . of course la who wouldnt right? that watch cost a fortune so who wouldnt be upset right? lepas tu mama n papa kata xde rezeki ngan dat wtch .kemudian we all went to bed . THE END

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