Wednesday, January 30, 2008

what's happening to the world?

wat a name... cat man? why not dog man ? or maybe perv man which sounds better kot . i read about this guy on news straits time or was it metro im not sure myself but this guy is soo weird , to like "umpan" the kids he asked the girls to look for his bird and cat .i dont know but it just sounds vulger ( camni ke eja dia hahah) but HIS BIRD? why not other animals like a dog or maybe a lizard . and one more thing why must he aimed on kids ? they're just children boops pun takde kot apa yg nk diraba?hahah but this is serious matter people ,wat is happening to world now ? where is the good people who will always help u when u're in trouble or somethin like dat? And then tak cukup lagi ngan catman dtng plak bomoh ni. This guy is such let me repeat that is SUCH a perv . He said that he can cure his patients by touching their V ,hahahh and some even believed him . And that bomoh even told his patients to burn alquran so that they will cure faster. peliikla orng leyh pecaya ckp orng tu ...haih...
Anyway to like help in finding sharlinie im posting her flyer on my blog , if u do find her call 999 :)
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