Friday, May 22, 2009

the colors of life??

hrmmm....well in this world u can see many types of people , I MEAN MANY YER RAKAN RAKAN ...there are the geeks who loves to read books all the time which ive seen many in my life , then u can see the bunch of posers , where they are commonly found in BB shuffling at the sidewalk , xfaham nape nak buat camtu? nak kata bersihkan lantai tak de gak , the floor is still dirty ? then why do they do that ? do u have the answer? no? simple! because they are bunch of posers yer rakan2? hehe anyway im here not to talk about the variety of people in malaysia ke seantero dunia ke apa k? im here to talk about , the many variety of people i saw in my law class :) oh no no , i tak ambik law skrang, but baru je ambik lesen hehe sedih x? u noe wat my instructor told me ?

abang hafiz
: awak umur brape eh skrang raja?
me: oh dah 19 dah tahun ni :)
abang hafiz : oh hahaha asal x ambik masa lepas spm?
me : oh ntah mama mcm tak bg haha
abang hafiz : oh ok hahahah ( he laughed all the way home while sending me , tak faham apa yang kalakr sgt ambik umur 19? ok wat ??? ader jer kot makcik umur my mom in the class ...haihhhhhhh)

anyway back to the story ,ma just enrolled me to driving classes , and as we all know , the first class to attend is class undang2 kan? then okla i masokla class tu , in the class there were like 26 to 30 people , xramai sangtla and it was not that crowded , thank god :)
then i sat at the front seat ( this not call as semangat eh? this is call as i want to learn and not waste my mom's money hehehe). ok then came miss wannabe ! she came in with her wedges and her "i wannabe britney" clothes on, with a very very sour face, masok masok jer nak jeling orang , masahlahnye semua orang tau ????pasal minah ni ? nak carik gado ke? aihhhhhh
xpela mula2 i diam je kan? my mom always say that , dont judge a book by its cover , okla i shut my speculations about her , let it be jer la cause i believe in karma! oh yess i dooo babeyh!! then came the karma part to miss wannbe ,the instructor told us about wat u should wear n not wear while attending the driving classes ,so he said right in her face , " saya xgalakkan yer pelajar2 saye pakai kasut tumit tinggi walaupun dia sama rata semua yer? awak xmahir lagi , jadi buat cara tak mahir lagi yer?" ahahahhahahahaha i was laughing my heart out biler dia kata mcmtu but obviusly la diam diam dlm hati jer la :D her face turned blank and macam jadi masam lg , sngt buruk hahaha

then blablabla , the class started at 1 and stopped at 3 for break , so i pun pgla canteen with this really baik girl nama nadia yer?
then dah beli food and all , she asked me to sit with the girls , oh yess the wannabe was there , she was there sgt seronok x?? NOT!!! buat orang bengang lagi aderlaaaa , then came this conversation which she started ...

wannabe : hey how old r u?
meeza : oh im 19
wannabe: oh ok , r u studying or working?
meeza : still studying
wannabe : ohh..wat course are u taking?
meeza :medical lab technology
wannabee: oh ( muka cam kismis jer , as if u ambik course bodoh eh meeza? oh...)
how bout u n u?
girl #1 and #2 : im taking foundation in law , im taking dip acc but part 6 dah
wannabe : oh.......(muka dia cam , kenapa koang tak tanya aku? tanya la tanya la!)
meeza: how bout u ? wat course are u taking ? n actually how old r u?
wannabe: ohh im taking law and im 18
meeza : oh wow law , where at? uitm? um?
wannabe : oh no no , in taylors
meeza : oh....( i made the same face like she did to me , alahhhhhh stakat taylors , budak 1 apun leyh masok ambik law la pompuannnnnn!!)

p/s: im not against people with 1 a and below eh ?n attending taylors , im just against that wannabe yer , thank you :)

ok then masa break pun habis la and the class ended at 6.30 cmtu :)ok the end.....2 je nak cte hahaha :D

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